Dr. Mahdi khadematolrasoul dentist
Dr. Mahdi Khadematolrasoul

240225 – Flexibility in Leadership, Is Strength

Yesterday I asked my personnel in reception that, there were few days where the patients appointments were packed in such a way that upon finishing a surgery I would go to next dental unit and start the succeeding one. Personally I liked when I work in such momentum, however most of the time (almost 90%) it doesn’t go this way and I have like few minutes of free time waiting for the next patient to be prepared by my assistants, before I could start the treatment.

After confronting my receptionists and telling them how I want the patients be appointed they made me realized how such a jam-packed scheduling is effecting their performance in a negative way since they have a lot of tasks to accomplished for a patient.

Trying to understand them I asked for more elaboration and explanations, upon which I realized they might be right. Also this little gap between each patients is giving my assistants a time window for cleaning up the previous patients area and preparing for the next patient.

Analyzing the situation I realized the performance and result maybe negatively influenced by my personal preferred pattern in work. Hence I decided to give in since majority of the team said the time gap between each patient is letting them to perform their tasks better. This time I found myself the minority in a team which has a request, and though as their superior in work I could demand to do as I wished but then I myself would be effected negatively by poor performance of my team in a hectic situation I would have created for my selfishness demands.

This time I accepted their explanation and told myself at least I can drink a glass of water and attend to some other errands that takes few moments during the day to accomplish. Meanwhile my team are doing what they are good with peace of mind and without unnecessary pressure.

“Leaders honor their core values, but they are flexible in how they execute them.: ~Colin Powell~

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