Dr. Mahdi khadematolrasoul dentist
Dr. Mahdi Khadematolrasoul

240207 – the Distance You’ve Come

the camera man who works for our clinic made an inspiring video that somehow surprised me and i loved his idea. the result made me think of the journey and how far i have come to this. the result was actually mesmerizing when i look back at the train of life and seeing how many stops I have passed and where i have been and how far i have come. though not all the eperiences are consider sweet and nice but ovverall i have to say it was worth it.

All the challenges and ups and downs and people who made it either easy or hard were partn of this journey bringing me to where i currently am. and where i am was once a dream for me looking back at those days at college where i dreamed of having such clinic giving such services and now i do have an operative clinic that actually gives uptodated services and can be competetive not only locally but also globally, makes me feel not anly happy but pride. hearing feedbacks from different ppatients coming from different parts of the worls makes me realize the distance i have come all the way actially is even beyond what i have once imagined.

this is a place where i also have to mention the key elements and people who actually helped me much along the way and definitely among them are my parents, specially my mom who helped me not to give up on my goals and pushed me tomove towards them, and my dad supporting me financially, my sisters who supported me morally and definitely my wife who have been with me all the way since i got married and witnessed all my challenges andd always supported me and helped me and been my councelor at times in ealing with different challenges.

Also, my team whom without them i couldnt create such a place where i feel home and deliver such high-end services with confidence and joy.

I know this is not yet the final destination of this train of life and i know i may be able to see much in the future, and i cannot wait to see whereelse i will visit and witness and whom will cross path with mine. eagerly i still let the train go forard and i am looking to noext stops along the way.

i hope and pray that wherever i go i’ll be ablee to bring smiles an blessings and to show that there are more intolife that meets the eyes.

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